Shh I’m sleeping . . .
Hahaha just kidding! I’m at my day job, daydreaming about sleep.
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Shh I’m sleeping . . .
Hahaha just kidding! I’m at my day job, daydreaming about sleep.
You know the drill - if it’s almost time for con, then I’m busy. Be gone!
What are you still reading for? Didn’t you see the title?
* it’s technically May the 6th but know you’re still marathoning Mandolorian
1. Don’t stick cinnamon rolls to either side of your head. Let's face it, not everyone can have that luscious wig they threw on Carrie fisher. But if you come in wearing breakfast pastries over your ears not only will your bosses wonder about your sanity, your coworkers will be annoyed that you didn't bring them any. Plus, you'll attract ants.
2. Just because you're wearing a robe-like white dress without a bra, you are not automatically a princess. Stop trying to put medals on the big hairy guy in the next cubicle.
3. Searching through the art installation rock garden for Kyber crystal will not be taken with a grain of salt by office security. I'm pretty sure this is the workplace equivalent of digging through a fountain for pennies. Security won't understand that you need it for your lightsaber.
4. Don't spend your whole lunch period trying to pick a fight about ending of Rogue One.
5. Don't try to use the Force to throw plastic cutlery at your coworkers
6. When you overhear other people saying that they are not afraid of your boss, don’t go up to them and whisper in a croaking tone, “You will be. You. Will. Be.”
7. Don't tell your supervisor that you sense is great darkness in her/him
8. Don't announce to everyone that you are going to use the restroom by loudly humming the Imperial March
9. When you steal someone else's yogurt from the fridge and they catch you, don't declare that you are a smuggler and it's what you do, sweetheart. If they question you further, don't then additionally declare that you are only there to get paid.
10. Don't fill out reports while muttering under your breath, “I am one with the force. The force is one with me.”
11. Every time the copy machine acts up, don't start pleading with it by using the words, “Droid please!”
12. Don't tell people to get out of your cubicle by singing the Bea Arthur song from the Christmas special.
13. Don't find your coworkers service dog and try to explain to it what a helmet is (or ask it to raise your orphaned children if you are ever killed upon Endor).
14. Don't reply to every piece of office gossip with, “Nooooo! That's not true! That's impossible!”
15. And finally when your boss tells you that you have been fired for your strange shenanigans, don't tell them that if they strike you down it will only make you more powerful.
This is a great movie to watch when you’re going through a big, unexpected change in your life. But also understand that this has very little to do with the travel memoir of the same name. SPOILERS HO!
Frances (Diane Lane) is a writer, teacher, and book reviewer who finds out about her husband’s infidelities by an angry author whose book she gave a poor critique. I get that the dude was upset but I can’t imagine being so upset that you’d reveal to a person you barely knew that their husband was getting read to leave them. To break her out of depression after the divorce, her best friend Patti (played by everyone’s favorite Sandra Oh) sends Frances to replace her on a gay tour of romantic Tuscany since Patti can’t travel with a new pregnancy. Patti states that Frances needs to get her life back on track and start writing again.
Frances does get a kitten out her her misadventures.
The first inspiration she has is when one of the men she hangs out with on the tour asks her to write a postcard home for him. She crafts a beautiful paragraph full of metaphors and onomatopoeia. The owner of the postcard declares that he can’t send it now. His mother would never believe that he wrote it! Ingrate!
Anyway, her second inspiration comes in the form of a villa. The majority of the film is about Frances buying, refurbishing, and living in an old Villa. As she lives there, she makes friends with her neighbors, the Polish contractors fixing the house, and Katherine, a fabulous local eccentric played by Lindsay Duncan who once acted as a muse to Fellini. I like the bond Frances forms with one of the Polish workers, teenage Pawel, which is like an aunt and nephew and explains why she supports when he falls in love with the neighbors daughter. That is to say, her time is not just platonic friendships and make-shift family. Frances has a romantic encounter with the handsome Marcello, who is charming and adorable, but has no patience. He can’t handle when a very pregnant Patti shows up and is in need of Frances’s time. By the way, the way Frances and Patti talk is very natural. You can believe that they’ve been friends for years.
In the end, all of Frances’s depression and feeling like she’ll never have all she wanted are cured in various, unexpected ways. She has family and life all around her. She finishes a book (called “Under the Tuscan Sun” - What? Who saw that coming?). AND she meets another fellow writer named Ed who she wrote an other unkind review of. He is healthy person and tells her it was the “best bad review” he’d ever gotten and he used it to help write his next book. So they end up together at the end. Full circle.
*Note: I feel bad for the real Ed (Edward Kleinschmidt Mayes). He’s Frances Mayes second husband and in reality they fixed up the villa together. But no. He became the “reward” at then end of the movie. I don’t know how I’d feel about that if I was Ed.
I was done with this blog when my computer froze and I lost the whole thing! So this will be short because I am not sitting through this movie a second time.
Lilly is a promising writer (won an award and everything) who runs a Jane Austen Society in Boston (Boston by way of Canada- did not see a single Dunkin). Her love of Austen’s work is on a ridiculous level, I state as I sip tea from a Pride and Prejudice mug, and she keep referring to the author as “Jane”. I beg your pardon, you and Miss Austen have never been properly introduced! Lilly is feeling down for number of small reasons. First, the pub where they hold the society, the Tell-Tale Heart (ha!) is being sold. Second, her favorite bookstore has been bought by a basic Hallmark love interest named Trevor who she instantly dislikes. Trevor is also who Lilly is tasked with creating an advertising campaign for at her job (he has an app - it’s explained in the movie, but not really). And her boyfriend proposes to her in a way that can be summed up as “you’re life sucks, might as well marry me”. Therefore Lilly does what Hallmark thinks women obsessed with Jane Austen would do, gets drunk on wine and face plants into one of the famed novels while calling out to the authoress for help. And what do you know? Jane Austen appears.
First of all, Lilly isn’t all that likable of a character. She’s not unlikable either. She just meh. Trevor is pretty much the same. They are shrug of the shoulders, do in a pinch, “pretty sure this is how human interact” according to a Hallmark dart board of character design. Lilly is supposed to be into old fashioned things, but her clothes make her look more like a WASP - want-to-be. Her Austen group is over the top and more into the romance of the novels than the social commentary. Come on! I love how much shade Austen throws upon her peers. Regency era snark is so subtle. Also, her best friend comments that’s she so surprised at how well Pride and Prejudice mirrors her own Punjabi upbringing. Bitch, there was a whole movie about that (which by the way also included social commentary about modern views of India).
Of course, there’s a dollar store version of Mr. Darcy and Lizzie Bennett romance between Lilly and Trevor. Oh, should I have said spoiler alert? Like you didn’t see that coming! Let’s get to the real thing I wanted to blog about! Jane Austen’s ghost.
For the most part, the character of Austen wasn’t awful. She was logical, to the point, proper, and defensive of her own work. A good joke was her seeing wet shirt Mr. Darcy on TV and declaring that she needs to meet the actor. However, there were several things she said which reminded me that it was clearly a Canadian actress pretending to be a two-hundred and something year old regency woman. And the writer of this did weird Austen research. First, Austen keeps talking about “her sister” and I kept expecting a heart warming monologue about how Cassandra always supported her. But nope. Instead, we get a joke about her Emma dedication to the prince regent which is a nice piece of trivia, but hardly something that gives us insight into Austen as a woman.
At least a majority of the movie ended up being about writing. Maybe not a majority, but most of the second half of the film. Austen says Lilly should not “sacrifice” her writing for her job and keeps pulling Lilly’s manuscript out of the trash. I am a tad triggered by this “sacrifice” comment. Food and electricity do need to come before art sometimes. Eventually, the main character sends her work to a publisher (not through an agency, just straight to the publisher) and gets an affirmative answer THAT SAME WEEK! Never mind the Austen ghost! That’s the biggest piece of fantasy I’ve ever seen!
Just a weird vent.
Charlotte Perkins Gilman - First, the one of these things that’s not like the other. I claim to love Charlotte Perkins Gilman, but what I really love the idea of a feminist icon in the industrial age writing against social norms. Yes, I adore the short story the “Yellow Wallpaper”. Even more, I love that it intrigued my niece who at the time was extremely anti-reading. YES! Catch the attention of another generation of women! You go, Perkins Gilman! Keep encouraging us to stand up for our medical rights and vote (she was, naturally, a suffragist).
I own a book of her short stories which are pretty good. Most of them are average stories of the time period with some underlining themes of socialism and reform. However, I’ve also read Moving the Mountain, Herland, and With Her in Ourland, her three feminist utopian novels. The trio of stories are a bit bland, definitely taking some framework from Thomas More’s original Utopia where it it more about over-explaining how a perfect society could work over giving barely any character development or plot. Still, the books present interesting ideals of family, work, and government as well as gender roles (imagine the Barbie movie, except with lots of offspring and very strict rules). While she does touch on sexism and equality, these books also discuss eugenics and racism. Like, a lot.
Academically and historically, I want to say I love Perkins Gilman. Yet, in my heart of hearts, I know she is quite cringe worthy. Just can’t have nice things sometimes.
Shirley Jackson - I love her unreliable narrators and subtle creepiness. However, my love of Shirley Jackson was nearly squashed before it began by over saturation. In high school, my honors English class read “The Lottery”. There was an instant attachment there. My young mind whirled with this exciting alternate reality and gruesome normalcy.
Then, my first year in college, we read it again. I remember the instructor being so excited to see our reactions to the ending and I confess to faking it to make her feel better (insert innuendo here). This time, the bloom was off the rose and I was less intrigued by the tale. By the fourth and fifth times I was forced to re-read it, I started to blame Shirley Jackson personally.
Despite my enjoyment of the 1963 film The Haunting (if you mention the 1999 version, you are dead to me), I would not read the book The Haunting of Hill House until I was much older. I did not start to collect her books and read others until I was in my late-twenties and through my thirties. It’s rather annoying how school actually turned me off of an author I love for almost a decade.
Mary Shelley - Anyone who has seen my house knows that it is full of references to Universal’s Frankenstein and the Bride of Frankenstein. These films coming in second after my love of the original Mummy, but they make less decent merchandise of that one. I know a lot of details of Mary Shelley’s life and family. When I was in my preteens, I already knew the tale of the dark and stormy night when she was dared to write a ghost story by Lord Byron. Between my boyfriend and myself, I think we’ve seen or read almost every dramatization of that night (by the way, if he dies before me I’ve already been told that I can’t keep his calcified heart like Mary did with Percy Shelley’s). I dressed up as her once for a spirit day where I work. Mary Shelley is featured on tee-shirts and notebooks that I own. I’ve even read Mary Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Woman. Okay, that’s a partial truth. I never actually finished this revered early piece of feminism by Shelley’s mom, but I’ll get back to it someday. I also own multiple biographies of Mary Shelley and watched many a documentary of her life. If I clearly was so obsessed this author, why do I say that we have a troubled relationship? Because for the longest time I claimed hated the book Frankenstein.
That’s right. The first time I actually read it was probably high school. *Side note: I wasn’t being forced to read it. I had independent study in an English class reading it so I thought I might as well figure out what they were talking about. I remember it was difficult to get through with all of the philosophy and the journal style prose, especially since at that age everything in my life was about Lord of the Rings and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. My eighteen year old mind gave thanks to the episode of Wishbone in which the little dog played the mad doctor since it gave me a better background for understanding the book.
This having been said, if anyone said anything bad about this novel, I defended the crap out of it. If you told me that you hated how depressing it was, I retorted with reasons for each tragedy in the development of the creature’s character. When someone mentioned they were disappointed by the the creature’s wide vocabulary, I would violently exclaim the importance of him being so intelligent. And I would take it personally when others could not finish the book (even though I’m pretty sure I put it down and picked it back up again in my first reading).
The only time I didn’t defend the story was when my dad came to me after watching the Kenneth Branagh film. My bedroom door was pushed open with an irritated swing and he stood there looking aggravated. He narrowed his eyes at me. “Is that how the book ends?”
I nonchalantly shrugged at him. “Except for Elizabeth being brought back to live, pretty much.”
His eyebrows and rose and he spat, “That’s stupid.”
I didn’t argue with him. He’s my dad and he’s never really been a fan of the classics with the exception of Muppet Christmas Carol. By the way, I own that movie on a lovely Arrow bluray.
Anyway, by the time I was in my late twenties, I finally read Frankenstein again, deciding I’d been too young to judge it. Despite the utter hopelessness of the story, I loved it and have read it a few times since. The mother of science-fiction horror has a special spot on my bookshelf and my boyfriend bought me a fancy Penguin Cloth-bound edition covered in anatomically correct hearts. I also own copies of The Last Man, Lodore, and several of her short stories. That doesn’t mean my love of the Universal horror films has waned. I know there is no Bride in the book, but she’s too cool not to have all over my house.
Do any other people have strange reader-author relationships?
Agatha (1979) was an imagining of where Agatha Christie went during her eleven missing days.
The film starts with all of the claustrophobia and depression that comes with the end of a relationship. At a signing, the celebrated mystery writer is closed off and in her own head. Agatha (Vanessa Redgrave) is in a horrible state when her husband (Timothy Dalton) leaves her for her his secretary and ends up wrecking her car. All of this is reality except that they did not mention her child who was in the care of her trusted friend and secretary Charlotte Fisher (Fisher isn’t a major character in the film, but she was important to the real Christie so I feel she should be mentioned here).
Wally Stanton, a fictional American reporter played by Dustin Hoffman, immediately dives into the investigation. Meanwhile, Agatha checks herself into a hotel near a health spa where she thought the secretary would be. Weirdly, she uses the mistress’s last name as her alias. The start of this film is not particularly intriguing other than Mr. Christie being tailed by reporters and investigators. Otherwise it is many scenes of people ordering food in restaurants and drinking tea.
About 35 minutes in, you start to see Agatha Christie the writer coming out as she writes down ways to kill people from things she sees around the spa. Also, there’s finally some jazz music. I know it’s England in the 1920s, but c’mon! Stanton finds Agatha at the hotel with a little help from Charlotte whose worries about her friend/boss. He does not give Christie his real name or tell her that he knows who she is. Instead, they enjoy the frivolities and he appreciates that she looks happier than she did at the book signing at the beginning of the film. I just have to add that Redgrave in heels is a full head taller than Hoffman and kudos to the filmmakers for not putting him on a box. Now, Stanton is writing a piece on her without her knowledge, yet he treats her with kindness. Awkward, awkward kindness.
Stanton is clearly attracted to Christie. He is also worried for her. I won’t give away the ending just know it might trigger some people. It’s a tad on the melodramatic side and involves CPR which wasn’t widely in use then. It does give Stanton the opportunity to make feel Christie feel better and that her life is still full of possibilities.
I really do not think this is even close to what happened to Christie during those eleven missing days, but it made an okay story. However, if Agatha Christie had written it, there would have been more poison in those many restaurant scenes.
Oh. And the theme song at the end is awful. Just awful.
Yes! A film about someone who wants to be 1930s pulp writer! I love the 30s for writing because upper classes are still thumbing their nose at genre novels while the middle and lower classes loved cheap paperbacks of melodrama, horror, crime, and westerns. The modern book club will be born from these beloved albeit sometimes corny books which gave people happiness in the midst of the Great Depression.
The movie Hearts of the West starts with Lewis Tater (Jeff Bridges) in his Iowa farmhouse bedroom on a typewriter questioning his own vocabulary choices and acting out the scenes he just wrote in mirror. Shut up! We all do it! He goes to what he thinks is a university in Colorado to learn how to be a western author, but is attacked by two men running a school by mail scam. They try to steal his typewriter!
In escaping the men, Lewis wanders onto the set of a western film where he meets a cowboy actor (Andy Griffith), the director’s secretary (Blythe Danner), and a director (Alan Arkin). He becomes a stuntman and actor, yet his need to be the next Zane Grey is still his ultimate goal. Oh. And the bad guys are still tracking him down because he accidentally stole money from them.
Almost instantly, Lewis shows off his skills of observation, attempting to memorize clothes and feathers of those around him in hopes of using what he sees in a story. He verbalizes stories while everyone stares at him. The obsession with Zane Grey goes so far that he states that Grey also used to build up stories out loud and insists that he keep his Grey-esque haircut. He keeps constantly bringing up that he a writer. It’s Andy Griffith’s character who finally tells him that’s he a writer when other people say so. I admire his confidence in the film, but even I found him annoying at times. I did enjoy how he never let anyone tell him to give it up. He even continues to try when he has his heart broken by people he admired and trusted.
I’m keeping this short because I soda bread to eat!
Stew! Whiskey! Leprechauns! Tyrone Power! What more could you want? How about Tyrone Power being a a freelance newspaper writer who is being asked to sell his soul to an aspiring politician?
Stephen “Fitz” Fitzgerald and his friend Bill (Bill is really more of an exposition character and does not deserve his last name) visit Ireland where they meet Nora, an innkeeper who has an instant connection with Fitz. However, he still goes back to New York where his girlfriend’s sleazy publisher father wants him to be his hired hype man for his campaign. But wait, Horace, an unusually tall leprechaun, has followed Fitz home from Ireland and is now working as his servant. Nora shows up again, milk goes missing, and Fitz tries hide from modern art by hanging it in his bathroom.
Back to his writing. Bill expresses how Fitz is an excellent writer and is so disappointed in him going to work as a political pawn because he’s tired of being a starving artist. Meanwhile, Fitz’s girlfriend, Frances, says that he’s been wasted as a freelance columnist and with her father’s power behind him he’ll make more of a difference. By the way, she’s not a terrible character. She’s independent and smart. Take note, Hallmark movies! Still, what it comes down to is Fitz not feeling comfortable when asked to lie about his own opinions and go against his writing morals for money. Because . . . you know, it’s a movie.
This movie is fairly new so understand that I’m not going to be going to many details of the actual court case or end of the films. Still, spoiler warning. Also, unlike the movie, I’m going to keep this short.
Sandra, a known novelist who takes inspiration from real life, is on trial for the death of her husband Samuel, a university professor who was found dead outside of their isolated French home. I don’t understand the legal system in France, so let’s just focus on the parts about writing.
One of the driving forces in the trial is Sandra’s relationship with her husband being rocky because she was an established author and he was a struggling writer. The day Samuel dies, he’s playing loud music while a university student is trying to interview Sandra about how their son’s accident is a thinly veiled plot point in one of her books. The same accident occurred on a day Samuel decided to stay home writing and sent a babysitter to pick up the son from school. Sandra suggests that the guilt over their son’s vision loss caused Samuel to stop writing for a long time. The court suggests that it was her blaming Samuel causing that guilt. I say - why isn’t anyone mad at the babysitter?
Anyway, before his death, Samuel and Sandra had a loud fight with destruction of property about their roles as writers. Samuel accuses Sandra of forcing him to always be on her creative schedule, leaving him no time for his own writing. Sandra accuses back that he uses her as an excuse not to write. Both sides feel valid to me, yet the whole scene made me very uncomfortable - and that’s something I’m filing away for later counseling.
There is also the insinuation that he is bitter that she used an idea from one of his unfinished novels for one of her published works and now he wanted to go back to it, but it was too late. She points out that he gave her permission to use the idea and this part of the argument made me side a little more with her. Don’t give away ideas, dude. That was on you.
The big thing I wanted to point out was that (and this is a big spoiler to the movie - you have been warned) Samuel had been recording family conversations and transcribing them for the book he was working on. Sandra knew this was a process of his, but when she finds out that he taped their argument about writing in general, she starts to wonder if he planned the conversation for his recording and creative process. I think that would piss me off worse than the idea-take-back-sies. Don’t manipulate your spouse for source material. You’re not F. Scott Fitzgerald. Get over yourself.
American Dad is about a Republican CIA agent who lives in Langley with his perky housewife Francine, wanna-be hippy daughter Hayley, dork son Steve, stoner son-in-law Jeff, German skier trapped in a fish Klaus, and alien Roger. Roger’s favorite thing is creating personas to hide himself in plain sight.
Roger’s new persona is Professor Dickens LongBottom, a creative writing instructor at Hayley’s college. He greatly inspires her (“Me writers?”) and she decides to help him finish is novel. First, they try going to a coffee shop, but Roger finds faults with everything they do.
He confesses to being scared of his novel not being “universally beloved”, a both unrealistic and very truthful fear/goal. In order to avoid his block, Roger double dips with a second campus persona, the new football coach. Hayley keeps trying to push Roger to write because Longbottom is her favorite of his personas and she believes in him (the professor not Roger himself). Roger’s avoidance is so strong that he turns the coffee shop he he writes at into a sports bar.
Hayley insists that Roger needs to stop sabotaging himself to avoid failure. She tells him that all he needs is pen, paper, and adderall. However, the book is poorly reviewed and Roger instead writes a playbook/cookbook as the coach. Then, the coach reads the professor’s book and is touched by it. Therefore Roger decides art is worth it as long as it touches one person… even though the person touched in this case was himself. Okay, American Dad has gotten weirder over the years, but I’m sure there’s a lesson in there someplace.
In the words of Prof. Longbottom, “Writing is hard.”
I’m going to keep this one short even though I’m talking about the first season of a British series.
Staged is the fictionalized tale of David Tennent and Michael Sheen attempting to rehearse a play through some sort of Zoom app in the midst of the pandemic (I should point out that this actually came out during the pandemic).
A big part of the show is about the world going stir crazy. When Georgia, David’s wife, sells her novel, David decides to write a script. He writes it rather quickly and emails it to Georgia. He then gets no response from her even though they are trapped in the same house. Georgia then emails it to Michael. And there are several minutes of anxiety that are overshadowed by Judi Dench. And honestly, I don’t remember what happened with David’s writing attempts after that. Judi Dench was on the television swearing a lot.
Okay, actually, they all read David’s script together and it’s revealed that everyone’s favorite parts were the bits Georgia rewrote.
This isn’t necessarily my favorite episode of the television series about a thriller writer and his job as consultant to a New York homicide detective. I just picked this one because it takes place around Valentine’s Day. As this episode is from season 5, majors spoilers for this show from fifteen years ago.
Castle and Beckett are about to have their first Valentine’s Day as a couple while investigating the stabbing of a member of a “Real Housewives” style reality show. There are jokes about what the couple will be getting each other, how their friends on the force are spending the holiday (Ryan is under his wife’s control in the attempt to convince), and how the murder weapon is high end. Actually, jokes about the fancy knife could’ve been better. “The good news is, expensive cutlery like that won’t dull while cutting bone. Too soon?”
One of the better things about this episode is it is one of many that include a guest appearance by one of Fillion’s “Firefly” co-stars, Gina Torres. It’s fun to see kick-ass Zoe as a uppity rich bitch. Castle is also appalled by the unscripted format of reality TV . . . until he gets caught up in the drama and watching the show all night long. Beckett only watches one episode because she’s classy.
This is also a side plot of Castle accidentally placing his gift to Beckett in their Captain’s coat with a romantic note (he’s a writer, of course he wrote a note). As she is not aware that they are a couple, it become a ridiculous bit of shenanigans that make me quite uncomfortable. Also, Beckett’s gift to Castle is really sweet gesture -a drawer in her apartment to keep his stuff in showing that their relationship has reached the next level. But she also gives him the smallest drawer! Did no one else notice that?
At this point in the series, Castle’s ACTUAL job as a professional author has taken backseat to the mysteries. There is at least a joke about Castle’s thinking the murder is a Valentine’s Day gift in the form of a mystery that makes no sense. The point of his role as a consultant is that his skills in people study and creation of unusual murder scenes makes him a good profiler. Hey, it’s a TV show! No one asked for reality!
At some point, I’m planning on a bunch of Shakespeare blogs, but this was on TV and wanted to watch it before it was no longer available. Streaming services are not the most reliable these days (by these days I mean summer of 2023 and time of the second major writer’s strike in my lifetime).
All is True is really Kenneth Brannagh’s and writer Ben Eltons’s vision of what it was like for William Shakespeare at the end of his career and life. I should point out that Elton was one of the writers who helped Andrew Lloyd Webber create Love Never Dies, so I’m sure he needs to do some sort of creative groveling for that crime against storytelling. Also, understand that this is NOT a debate about whether Shakespeare is the actual author of the plays, so none of that in the comments. Save that for a different film.
This is an almost an entirely fictional, trying to dramatize mysterious moments at the end of the playwright’s life.
The film starts with the Globe Theatre burning down and Shakespeare returning to the family he’s barely seen in 20 years. He has hallucinations of his son Hamnet who died at age eleven, an awkward relationship with his wife Anne (Dench), and accidentally worries his remaining children Susanna and Judith about their own futures. The bard holds on tightly to a belief that, had Hamnet lived, the boy would have been a poet like him. Meanwhile, he dismisses Susanna and Judith since they are women who never had a formal education (most historians agree that Susanna could read and write). Judith outwardly shows her disdain for her father and he asks why when he never gave her a cruel word. Anne responds, “You spent so long putting words into other people’s mouth, you think it matters what is said?”
Will uses his artistic past in an attempt to smooth certain things over in his town and with his family. For example, when a man accused Susanna of an affair and there is a suit of slander, Shakespeare informs the accuser that a well-built “Moor” who performed in his plays loved Susanna so that he would rush from London to kill any man who dishonored her. Anne points out that she met this actor and knew him to be a sweet man and Shakespeare insists she not tell the accuser that. *By the way, there really was a slander case, but the case never went through and was thought to be a result of a feud between the accuser and Susanna’s husband.
One of the big plot points is how Anne does not want to know more about Will’s life in London as everything he was rumored to have done or said effected her. The Earl of Southampton (Ian McKellen), who was Shakespeare’s patron for a time, arrives and it upsets Anne as rumors that he was her husband’s lover created problems in her life years earlier. And yet, these characters and moments are important because they reflect on how London saw fame for Shakespeare as a writer while his village only gossiped.
On the other side of the coin, you see how children are constantly told that their father the writer is genius and a celebrated poet can grow to feel less. There is a theme about the expectations of an absentee father and fame and how the two did not have to be mutually exclusive. Gender roles, societal expectations, and general personalities all play a role.
I think it was funny how William Shakespeare has a prepared speech for when people approach him with questions. “The best way to get started as a writer is to start writing. I don’t have a favorite play. I admire all my fellow dramatists equally. And, yes, I do think women should be able to perform the female roles as is the practice on the continent now.” Shakespeare does not give an answer as to why he no longer writes.
“If you want to be a writer, and speak to others and for others, speak first for yourself. Search within. Consider the contents of your own soul. Your humanity. And if you're honest with yourself, then whatever you write, all is true.”
I don’t want to give away the entire show of The Good Place (especially since this episode takes place in the final season), but I’m going to have to give away quite a bit to explain why I blogged this episode. Still, this to me is one of the best tv shows ever made and I encourage you to watch it.
Fair warning: spoilers ahead.
The Good Place is philosophical comedy about the afterlife and what it means to be a good person. Ted Danson plays Michael, an architect in charge of four humans named Tahani (Jameela Jamil), Jason (Manny Jacinto), Chidi (William Jackson Harper), and Eleanor (Kristen Bell). Helping them is Janet (D’Arcy Carden), an all knowing entity whose entire existence is based on being a go-fer in the afterlife.
The episode opens with a book. Michael is telling a story to a Bad Janet (also D’Arcy Carden) trying to prove that humans can improve themselves. A new group of humans are being used as unknowing guinea pigs in a human moral experiment and seems to be showing positive outcomes. Then Brent (Benjamin Koldyke), the worst of the three, announces that he has written a book and he wants Chidi, John (Brandon Scott Jones), and Simone (Kirby) to read it in two days before he does a signing. An afterlife signing. Apparently, that’s a thing.
Brent describe the book entitled “Six Feet Under Par: A Chip Driver Mystery” as “half-spy novel, half -murder mystery. It’s also half-submarine adventure, half-erotic memoir, and half- political thriller. It’s also half- golf tutorial and half- commentary on society”. Immediately, Simone, who has very little patience for Brent’s sexism, racism, classism, and a whole lot of other negative isms, is gleeful about making fun of this novel. Tahani suggests that they all be kind because Brent has been showing improvement and they should be the bigger people (since that’s exactly what she’s trying to make them into). Then she starts to read the book with Eleanor and Michael.
The love interest Scarlett Pakistan in the book is a cultural stereotype who looks like Tahani and is described as “Her brown eyes were as brown as the brownest crayon. She had legs like Jessica Rabbit from that movie”. Is it bad that I sometimes enjoy bad writing because it makes me feel relatively better about my own writing? Stop judging me! I never said I belonged in the Good Place!
Tahani is not the only human objectified and insulted by being a thinly veiled character in Brent’s book, making it difficult to get the others to be kind about the painfully terrible prose. Eleanor tries to get them to create subtle criticisms. This is a good lesson for anyone not wanting to hurt another person’s writer feelings. For example, pointing out that “just writing a book is an amazing accomplishment” and then following with a sandwich of what you like and what needs improvement. That’s what editing is for. It’s a pain in the butt, but thanks the gods for the editing process and the people willing to edit.
However, if someone writes a book that insults you and your beliefs and the author can’t respect that why you didn’t like it - rip them a new one. Yes, a book is a form of art, but if your art is hurtful to the people you claim to like, what is the point? And how can you be upset if they don’t like that you hurt them? That’s not art, that’s more about ego. Despite all of this, Eleanor and the others still want to help Brent become a better person.
And all of this ends back with Michael finishing his story about how people can be good.
Here’s a short one with spoilers galore - you have been warned.
The Murderer Lives at Number 21 is the 1942 directorial debut of Henri-Georges Clouzot and it’s. . . unusual. Not quite a comedy. Not quite a thriller. Not quite a horror story. One hundred percent French.
Wens, a detective on the hunt for a serial killer who leaves calling cards at every crime scene, goes undercover at a boarding house. His girlfriend, a struggling singer, also goes to live in the boarding house in an attempt to become famous by catching the killer (she’s hoping fame will equal more stage jobs). The boarding house is inhabited by a magician, a disgraced doctor, a bird calling servant, a creepy toy maker, a blind former boxer, his amorous nurse, and a struggling author.
The author is a “spinster” called Mademoiselle Cuq. She states that to be a writer, you don’t need inspiration you need discipline. She sits everyday in the parlor of the boarding house with a typewriter to finish her latest work despite constant rejections from publishers. I like her determination. When the murders continue, the lady thinks of turning the contemporary horrors into gothic tales of terror, changing the streets of Paris into a dusty castle. The detective’s girlfriend suggests that the author instead keeps the setting the same, having it take place in the boarding house. In truth the singer is trying to reveal that she’s aware that the killer is among them . . . however, it just ends up getting the author killed. Whoops.
This one is going to be short because in the words of this film, “Something has to be done, but nothing too original, because hey, this is Hollywood.”
If you’ve never seen it, L.A. Confidential is a superb film based on the James Ellroy novel about three members of the LAPD in the 1950s all investigating the same conspiracies of corruption and murder. Russell Crowe, Guy Pearce, and (blech) Kevin Spacey all play their roles well. The clues and characters are a gritty portrait of the world full of twists and turns.
That’s not what I’m going to write about though! One of the most sleazy characters of the tale is Sid Hudgens (played by Danny DeVito - despite the book portraying the same character as tall and thin). Sid is the writer and editor of a tabloid magazine called Hush Hush which gets scoops on all of the Hollywood dirt. As this journalistic rag is Sid’s livelihood, he is shown setting up his own supposedly true stories. Based on a rumor, Sid puts the right people in the wrong place by buying everyone off and making sure his men are there with flashbulbs. More than being a plain gross example of a human and a writer, Sid’s way with words is what ties together the sleaze, the deceptions, and the murders of the film.